Sept/Oct Update and the Queen RIP

The latest update will be a bit different – less about raw data (there isn’t much) and more about the process over the last month or so and some things I learnt. The beginning – Cats September started with a renewed ambition to refocus on drawing cats. I want to illustrate cats but I needed […]
Drawing: Sept and Oct 2022
Re-building momentum slowly! September was a bit better than August but not much. So far October (writing this on 12th) hasn’t been great but more in a blog post about that. Date: 26/9/22, 28/9/22, 29/9/22, and 2/10/22 Comment: The Queen, total time: 177 mins Easily the longest single drawing I’ve done at nearly 3 hours […]
August re-build update

Re-building a habit is hard work but I suspect I made it harder for myself. I kind of stuck to my guns of trying to learn charcoal and also continue with the digital practise. For charcoal, this was kind of tough because learning to use that material with its various options is not easy (no […]
Re-building drawing habit – essai #1

I drew a charcoal head on 16 June 2022 and didn’t draw again until 23 July 2022. I had some reasons or explanations – I was supposed to be away for two of those weeks but ended up being horizontal for one of those weeks from a neck issue and with the help of painkillers, […]
Drawing: July and Aug 2022
Ooops – lost the momentum! Given that I’ve not done a huge amount in July, I’ve combined July and August as I go back to basics and rebuild the habit. Date: 23/8/22 Comment: Charcoal, Total time: 28 mins The jug was not a smooth one but made up of flat planes which in theory should […]
Forgotten Page – Hardware and Software

The other day, I realised that I hadn’t included a page where I set out what hardware and software I use with the various links. Actually I thought I had done it and can remember very clearly the text in my head but when I looked for it on the site, I couldn’t find it. […]
Digital Drawing – Software and Hardware
Software: Sketchbook Pro – Windows/Desktop Version I chose this drawing programme a while ago so I felt it was a good place to start for Learn Avec Moi – also I didn’t want the effort of choosing another one! Also, when I looked into a few years ago, it was considered a good programme for […]
June 2022 Review – a failed month

June 2022 was not a great month and it follows a poor month in May. The reason for this month was a physical injury or condition that laid me up. Basically during June I had a pain in my upper back but nothing more than an irritant or knot and I put it down to […]
June – lines and charcoal

At the beginning of the month I set about using charcoal and have just uploaded Target 2 in the Traditional Pathway as well as the Resources page and Visual References: there isn’t too much to it to be truthful. In the target, I’ve shared some of the key experiences and tips. However, the biggest thing […]
Traditional Pathway Target 2 – Charcoal
Introduction Graphite and charcoal seem to be natural bedfellows and the best second target. As before, I’ve been doing drawings in charcoal to get a feel for the target itself. For me the key is not really to use charcoal like I would a pencil but to learn the differences and then lean into charcoal’s […]