Musmus New Logo colour 2048x2048 px 260222

Drawings: Jan 2022

Date: 01/01/22 (1)

Comment: 5 mins (guestimate)

100 Faces Nos. 1 and 2

In both cases, I tried to keep it broad and not get bogged down into detail but that just meant that I abandoned it because the hair was hard. No. 2 was even harder to get the angle.

I realised that I should learn the proportions again.

Date:1/1/22 (2)

Comment: What ended up being one of those rare times I tried to do more than one drawing in a session!  I felt that I needed to remind myself the proportion of faces.

Date: 3/1/22

Comment: Total time 8 mins.

Practising two things – face proportions and eyes. Neither very instructive.

Date: 9/1/22

Comment:  Total time 8 mins

Practising again the face proportions. I think around here, I was started to think the approach of drawing circle extending it a bit for chin etc wasn’t really working for me.


Comment: Total time 20 mins

100 Faces No. 4

I didnt realise at the time that I had missed No. 3. Got the eyes totally wrong (ie of an image with lots of wrongness, those were the wrongest).

Also I abandoned the idea of doing smaller drawings. Some of the people who do these do smaller drawings and do them quickly. But I found one a page a better size for me.

Date: 16/1/22

Comment: Total time 10 mins

100 Faces No. 6

Again out of sequence in terms of faces.

I remember distinctly trying to get the main areas done in outline and then go back and add a bit but I lost interest.

Date: 17/1/22

Comment: Total time 10 min

100 Faces No. 3

Went back and did the third one. I say I got bored but that is bravado for the fact the hair was very intimidating and the rest of the drawing was too naff to even bother.


Date: 18/1/22 and 19/1/22

Comment: Total time 35 mins over two sessions

100 Faces No. 5

Other than proportion and shape, the shading was better than previous attempts.

This is the first time I started a drawing on one day and finished it the next.

Date: 24/1/22

Comment: Total time 10 mins

100 Faces No. 7

I actually gave myself a 10 min timer for the first time and just stopped. I didnt get much done!

Date: 25/1/22

Comment: Total Time 10 mins

Taking a break from the 100 Faces and remembering that the drawing yesterday the nose was difficult. So I did a nose from a reference image.

Date: 26/1/22 and 27/1/22

Comment: Total Time 45 mins over two sessions

I found a reference image and drew an eye. I found that my hand was a bit freer than before and I felt that I was more disciplined, patient with the detail.

Date:  28/1/22

Comment: Total time: 30 mins

100 Faces No. 8

This is wrong on so many levels. Even though I spent 30 mins on it, I never quite managed to get any depth to it or even get any of the detail right – I mean where are her lips?!

Date: 31/1/22

Comment: Total time 5 mins

100 Faces No. 9

Now I should say that Monday evenings are habitually an evening when I relax. So for this drawing I decided to try (again) to keep my hand loose and just focus on the broad shapes based on the values. On the one hand, you can see that it is a girl and the proportions arent that bad, not great but not really bad. For 5 mins it is acceptable.