April – Mid Month Reflection

Done 15 days of a 30 day month and I thought I would take stock.

This month was all about continuing with Target 1 (Building the habit) and Target 2 (Discipline). So this essentially meant that drawing more often than not and trying to regularise it with same time. I added a min period which is really Target 3 (Patience) but there is no harm in doing a “soft” start at the moment.

So after 15 days the key stats are:

  • Total number of days drawing: 10 out of 15.
  • Total number of times I kept to the times (Target 2) – all 10 (ie PM) but only once in the AM.
  • Of those, how many were minimum 60 mins single sessions: 8.
  • Total number of drawings: 17.
  • Total drawing time: 583 mins.
  • Average drawing time: 34.3 mins.
  • Average time per session: 58.3 mins.

I think overall, this is classed as a good start to the month. Whilst it is a little early to compare to March, I should improve a lot on that month.

There will have to be less non-drawing days in order to break the 70% mark so that is the main focus for the next two weeks -this means I only have 4 more permitted OFF days. Whilst it would be nice to draw in the AM, I think that will come via a more holistic approach to my first-thing-in-the-morning routine which currently involves sofa, youtube and waiting until the caffeine kicks in! I am blaming the cats and lockdown hangover.