Musmus New Logo colour 2048x2048 px 260222

Gallery update

Photo by Martino Pietropoli on Unsplash

Last night I managed to finish uploading all the historic drawings meaning that right up until Feb 2022, I am now complete. I just need to redo one of the photos and then upload what I’ve done so far in March (5 days from 7).

I still need to work out how it looks on different mobiles and as it seems to be different from what Elementor is telling me and what it actually does but I think it may just be a question of font and picture size.

After that it will be some of the back end stuff like SSL, login pages, design palette, images for posts and headings etc which may well end up having an impact on how things work and look. I probably should set myself a deadline in order to achieve that but not before I’ve done a list of what to do as soem of those things need some research first!!