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Not on Social Media

Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

My interaction and relationship with social media is limited to having a Facebook account (though I am closing that account soon), and a Linkedin account (for work); I created a Insta account and a Twitter account though I’ve never used them at all. In fact, the Facebook account and Linkedin account I only access via dedicated browsers on my desktop and no longer have them on my phone, not even via a browser – I now have to remember to check and rarely spend more than 5 mins at a time on them. I do have a Pinterest account but I created that a while ago at the behest of a former girlfriend as part of looking for inspiration for decorating the house; I am now using that more but just for Learn Avec Moi and as a source for reference photos.

And of course I use youtube as a source for useful videos.

However, what I am not doing is actively having musmus or Learn Avec Moi pages on the various social media site to act as marketing routes. At the moment, there is no Insta account for the drawings, no Youtube account for the videos, no Twitter or TickTock or Facebook for everything else.


Two reasons – I don’t really care about building an audiance to sell to and secondly, it is too much work. Yes, I am sure I could build an audiance more quickly but all my research shows that in order to be successful on each of those sites, you basically need to treat it like a full-time job and allocate some serious time to it. They are hungry beasts that you just need to keep feeding.

For me, that is just not an option. My primary focus (outside of working to earn money) is to learn to draw and I’ve made an allowance in terms of time for this website as part of that but only because I am sure it will help me learn quicker and more profoundly. But once the build is done, the time to make content will be quite minimal. For now, I think that is more than enough.

That may change in the future especially if I use Linkedin for my main job but that is likely to be a long time into the future. Maybe I’ll earn enough to outsource it!