Face furniture
In addition to trying to find the easiest way to do a head overall, there were times I had to look up how to do specific elements – eye, lips, nose, hair etc.
Angel Ganev
Whilst I am not a big fan of this youtuber and his chosen youtube persona, I did like the way he breaks down the eyes into planes which helps when at angles.
This youtuber is one of the bigger hitters – he has been going on for a long time, has an affiliate program, guest speakers etc but I tend to find his how-to videos just a little complicated but I did like this nose one just because of the detailed structure.
Sinix Design
I can not remember if I even bothered watching a video for the lips but I wish I had seen this one. It is very comprehensive and very easy to follow even at the increased playback speed.
Kirsty Partridge Art
In reality you can summarise hair quite simply – it takes a very sharp pencil of different levels and time as you got to more or less do every strand! But this video did help me.
To date (May 2022) I’ve sort of ignored the ears in so far as trying to find a video for drawing them. Maybe that will change and if it does I’ll add a video here.