As mentioned in my May Updates post, whilst I didn’t really do much drawing, I did do a fair amount of work on the website which included updating some of the design of some of the pages, but also added pages. The re-design is really more about learning how to use Elementor a bit more and creating templates for certain portions. It does mean I may have to go back and redo pages which I’ve already done and make some tweaks or I may not – depends if I can be bothered or not!
These included:
- The main Learn Avec Moi page which is now just a list of links to the other pages, some of which are included also included as part of the drop down menu.
- Visual references – again a list of links to other reference images, mainly my own Pinterest boards and again these will be added to over time.
- Resources – there are two sub-pages – one for traditional drawing and I’ve begun the digital drawing one now as well. For the traditional drawing page, the page contains all the topics so far I’ve looked at but I suspect that will become a landing page and just link to sub-pages as it grows.
- The biggest single addition to the resources page are the pages for colour – traditional and digital. Both pages are not huge but the research generated a lot of stuff and it took a while to whittle it down. It is obviously not comprehensive but it is a start. For myself personally, I think I now have the right know-how to begin practising and in particular mindful practising which should then lead to going more in-depth further down the line.
- The newest page is a drawing and illustrating tips page. This page is basically a dumping ground for things I pick up along the way with an underlying focus on composition. I’m not yet that concerned with composition but I didn’t want those bits that I pick up to be lost when I do begin to think about composition.
There is one more “big” redesign and that is the gallery pages. The landing page is more or less done but each sub-page is likely to need more thought. I’ll do that towards the end of June when I’ve a sense of the number of drawings to upload.
I am rapidly coming round to the idea that, like a house, a website is rarely ever “finished” and that there is always stuff to do. But for now, I think I’ve got to the stage of having an outline for the main types of page that I’ll have and that is enough … for now.